A little more about me.

My Work Approach

Iā€™m a designer and a seasoned professional with 10+ years of education experience, strong soft skills, and technical expertise.

  • I think generating thoughtful questions, learning from users, pouring over research details, and grappling with ideas is fun.

  • Years of working with different kinds of thinkers and my M.Ed. in High Incidence Disabilities and Behavioral Disorders influences my work, approach, and interest in accessible design.

  • My time in the food regulation, safety, and distribution field has sharpened my attention to detail and ability to transform complex problems into easy, navigable solutions.

  • I have a knack for setting people at ease, facilitating conversations, and honing in on the heart of the matter.

  • My innate empathy enables me to understand the nuanced needs of users, stakeholders, and colleagues.

  • I believe technology can and should be leveraged for social and environmental good.

These experiences make me an insightful designer, strong teammate, and gritty worker. With a touch of playfulness and creativity, I build meaningful, user-centric solutions focusing on the big picture and the micro-interactions that make up the whole.

Life Outside of Work

In my free time I love hanging out with family and friends and recharging outdoors. I feed my creativity through painting, cooking, and listening to music. During downtime you can find me curled up with a book or watching one of my favorite funny TV shows.